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Aragüés del Puerto. Church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario. 17th to 18th centuries

In 1610, a terrible fire swept through the village of Aragüés del Puerto and completely destroyed the old San Salvador’s church. In the middle of this same century, work began on the rebuilding of the temple, which was concluded in 1704, as can be appreciated from the inscription on the doorway.

The present church has three naves separated by cruciform pillars. The central nave, which is also broader and taller than the lateral naves, has a barrel vault with lunettes. The choir gallery and the tower are at the western end.

The church has a large number of interesting works of art. Its collection of altarpieces is a comprehensive record of the evolution of this type of artwork in the 18th century. The main altarpiece, which is dedicated to the Virgen del Rosario, is Barroque and has two doorways, one on either side of the bench, leading to the sacristy. The main structure of the altarpiece begins with sculptures of children that hold up supports in the shape of inverted pyramids (stipes). Female busts appear to support the capitals in the upper part of the piece.

Several capitals can be found in the lateral naves. Those of St Sebastian and San Ramón Nonato are of particular artistic interest while those of the Asunción and the Virgen del Pillar are of more popular execution. The Holy Christ, in the lateral southern nave, corresponds to the artistic criteria popular in the first half of the 17th century and contrasts with the altarpiece of the Sacred Family which dates from the 18th century and is more sophisticated in style. The latter is divided into sections by Solomonic columns and is heavily decorated with floral motifs.

Finally, the altarpieces of the Asunción (polychromed), San Sebastián (18th century with near-Rococo decorative elements and a central figure of the saint of excellent quality) and San Ramón Nonato (end of the 18th century with its columns of floral garlands), are all worth a mention.

Valle de Hecho Tourist Office . [ Jacetania ]

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