The Pyrenean Centre for the Interpretation of Megalithic Monuments is 8 kilometres from Hecho on the Selva de Oza road and occupies the old Forestry Commission Building. The location forms part of the Western Valleys Natural Park.
Through the interpretation of the area known as the “Corona de los Muertos” “Crown of the Dead” (a site with more than 120 stone circles) and with the help of audio-visual resources, information panels and reproductions of tools, the ways of life of the ancient inhabitants of this land are brought to light. The Crown of the Dead has the greatest concentration of megaliths ever found in the Pyrenees and these include stone circles (hut walls), dolmens, menhirs and burial mounds.
In addition to the guided visit of the Centre, the following guided walks are also offered to those who would like to discover the natural, historic and cultural heritage of the area:
-The Megalithic Route - visits the Crown of the Dead and several interesting megaliths.
-The Route of the Roman Way - follows this historic path that according to the experts, could be part of the ancient Roman road from Caesaraugusta to Beneharnum.
-The Route of the Villages - visits the monuments and hidden corners of the villages of Hecho and Siresa. The Visit to the Monastery of St Peter (San Pedro) in Siresa - explains this jewel in the crown of religious architecture.
-The Visit to the town of Hecho - gives information about daily life by means of a tour of the ethnological museum in Casa Mazo and of interesting examples of its well-conserved local architecture.
Ver Centro de Interpretación del Megalitismo Pirenaico y de la Val d'Echo en un mapa más grande