The Day of the Traditional Costume of Ansó is celebrated on the last Sunday in August. Maria Mendiara Navarro and Jorge Puyo, who died in 1986 and 1992 respectively, were the last villagers to wear traditional dress on a daily basis throughout their lives. Nowadays, it is worn for celebrations and cultural events. Its origins, which were probably medieval, make it one of the oldest traditional costumes still in existence.
The costumes were varied but did not reflect social class. Rich and poor wore similar costumes which only differed in the quality of some of the cloths and jewelry used as decoration, in other words, on imported elements. The elements made locally were very similar and their beauty depended more on the ability of the seamstress.
Apart from being very old and unusual, the most outstanding aspect of the costume is the incredible variety of models. There was a costume for each occasion: de Bautizá or de Cristianá for baptising children, “pa diario d’os críos” for children's daily use, “de Periquillo” for confirmation, “de saigüelo coloráu” for girls' first communion, “de calzón de fiesta” for daily use with variations for festival days, “de fiesta de mullé” for festival days, “de treballo de mullé” for daily chores, “de saigüelo” for women attending mass, “de cofradía” for women presiding ceremonies, “d’os novios de Iglesia” for bride and bridegroom at their wedding mass, “de novios de calle” for the wedded couple after the ceremony, “de padrinos” for those accompanying the couple to the church and “de alcalde”: exclusively for the mayor of the village.
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C/ Ferrocarril s/n 22700
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